All About Me

img_8989Hello there everyone, as you Probably already know coming across my blog my name is Elissa Mills and this is a little bit about me. I’m 17 and I am a PLA student at Vista High School. This is my second year in PLA and I can say that I absolutely love everything about this program it has helped me in many ways. Socially and academically.

I have learned different ways to get along with people who i may not interact with on a daily bases and become close to them throughout the school year because we work together quite a lot and it would be difficult if we didn’t all get along. My academics have also gone up a lot thanks to the program because of the different way of learning that we do I have learned that I need to apply myself to everything that I do and work my hardest on it and try to get it done to the best of my ability. The PLA program has really made me open my eyes to how learning can be very beneficial to everyone and how everyone can benefit from the way this program is focused around.

I also am in after school activities and sports. I am in the club GSA which stands for (Gender Sexuality Alliance) I have been in this club for now 4 years it has made a huge impact in my life because i get to be around people who know what its like to be different and are not afraid to be out to everyone and who are the most loving and caring people I know and our advisor Mrs. Campbell is also an amazing and supportive person.  I am also on the VHS swim team this year I will be swimming on varsity. I´m very excited for my senior year and i cant wait to see what amazing opportunities and amazing memories come out of my last year of high school.